westiemirror02 2009 Championship Shows
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Main winners at the WOTY 08 held Feb 09
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Ch Karamynd Play The Game, Winner of most CC ‘s in 2009
Onwer /breeder Mrs J Griffith


LLovall A Real Deal at Comdale
Best Puppy in Breed 2009
Owners Mr S and Mrs D Jennings Breeder J Kabel

WHWTC of Eng Ch show 2009

Judge Mrs D Britten (Krisma)  April 18 th 2009

Special Beginners Dog (3)
No1 Morton’s Havasu Hey Dude For Swifdon, dob 28/04/08 Br.Crockett, Ch Markstown Mr Havasu x Ch Havasu Hoi Poloi
No2 Anthony’s Rozamie Dream on with Charmedautum dob 04/03/07 Br.Magri Ch Dwilencia Dream Lover of Rozamie x Newtonglen Pretty woman at Rozamie
No3 Ong’s Lorimay Brilliant Shai Ming dob. 12/02/07 Br lorimay Ch.Lindenka Brannigan JW x Lorimay Tinkerbell Molek


Minor Puppy Dog (4)
No1 Purchon’s Lindenka Sullivan dob.15/09/08 Br. Exh. Ch Havasu Pai x Lindenka Summer Pudding
No2 Griffith’s Karamynd Guns and Roses dob. 16/09/08 Br.Exh. Ch Karamynd Play The Game x Ch Karamynd Lilac Wine
No3 Skelton’s Faymar Free Agent dob.23/08/08 Br. Smith Krisma Spit ‘N Polish x Karamynd Playmate for Faymar
No4 Zdyrko’s Westigo Brave Spirit dob.01/10/08 Br.Harper Ch Bellevue Spirit Catcher x Westigo Scampanata


Puppy Dog (7,2)
No1 & Best Puppy Dog
Dale’s Lynnsto Barclaycard dob.15/07/08 Br. Exh Ch Lynnsto Pellam JW Sh.CM x Lynnsto Soloist JW Sh.CM
No2 Griffith’s Karamynd Play it Again dob.29/06/08 Br.Exh Ch. Krisma Streetwise x Ch Karamynd Play to the Crowd
No3 Soar’s Sonjay Fast Forward dob, 14/05/08 Br.Exh Ch Bellevue Spirit Catcher x Sonjay Groovy Chick
No4 Thomson’s Ashgate McKenzie dob. 16/06/08 Ch Belevue Spirit Catcher x Ch Ashgate Maybole
No5 Minett’s Duskhunter French Connects dob. 05/06/08 Br.Exh Candido Du Moulin De MacGregor x Duskhunter Magical Spirit


Junior Dog (6,2)
No1 Squire’s Dashing Devils Shotgun dob. 15/02/08 Br.K&D Veen-Smith Int.Dutch Ch Bellevue Careless Spirit x Int.Dutch Ch. Dashing Devil’s Snapshot
No2 West’s Karamynd Playing Away at Tomlyndon JW dob. 13/12/07 Br. Griffith Ch Karamynd Play The Game x Ch Karamynd Paws For Applause
No3 Squire’s Kimgarwyn Outlaw dob. 22/11/07 Br.Exh Kimgarwyn Handyman x Kimgarwyn Little Mo
No4 Lewis’ Lynnsto Man About Town dob. 07/04/08 Br.Dale Lynnsto Mastercard x Highcrest Enya Dreams Lynnsto


Maiden Dog (1,0)
No1 Lewis ‘ Lynnsto Man About Town

NDNo2Glenbrittle My Way To Ashgate 1 NDNo£LlovallAintMisbehavingMr

Novice Dog (4,0)
No1 Minett’s Duskhunter Dutch Courage dob. 04/03/08 Br.exh Bellevue Going Dutch with Pryorvale x Duskhunter Rasamataze
No2 Thomson,Brown & Pacheco’s Glenbrittle My Way To Ashgate dob 23/09/07 Br McGaskell&Campbell Am.Ch. Sweetsound’s king ‘O’ RockNRoll x Am Ch Glenbrittle Bebe’s Annabelle
No3 Kabel’s Llovall Aint Misbehavin Mr dob. 16/08/07 Br.exh Dutch Ch. Llovall Leader of the Pack x Llovall And All That Jazz
No4 Lynnsto Man About Town


Tyro Dog (2,0)
No1 Millen’s Sarmac Star Express dob. 25/08/07 Br.Exh Walkonair Mr Rozamie x Sarmac Dynamite Star
2nd Glenbrittle My Way To Ashgate

PGDNo2LynnstoStandAnd Deliver

Post Graduate Dog (9,2)
No1 Corri’s Inverglen Banjo dob. 07/01/07 Br.Exh Ch Lindenka Brannigan JW x Inverglen Enchanted
No2 Dale’s Lynnsto Stand and Deliver dob. 11/05/07 Br.Exh Ch Krisma Streetwise x Highcrest Enya Dreams Lynnsto
No3 Gaydon’s Gilbri Williwontee dob. 17/10/07 Br.Exh Ch. Hopecharm Willie Makeit for Karamynd x Ch Wistonant Royal Ruby At Gilbri
No4 Stock’s Lindenka Baxter dob. 07/01/07 Br.Purchon Ch. Lindenka Brannigan x Lindenka Toffee Pudding
No5 Anthony’s Rozamie Dream on with Charmedautum dob. 04/03/07 Br. Magri Ch. Dwilencia Dream Lover of Rozamie JW x Newtonglen Pretty Woman At Rozamie

LDN02LamsmoreFitzwritin LDNo5ThozowGoodEthiquette1

Limit Dog (12, 1)
No1 CC & Res BIS
Smith’s Royalcartier Entertainer dob.04/07/07 Br. Exh Ch. Karamynd Play The Game JW x Royalcartier Sallachy
No2 Gordon’s Lamsmore Fitzwritin dob. 29/03/07 Br. Sizmore Ch krisma Streetwise x Ch Lamsmore Miss Brodie
No3 Thomson’s Ashgate US Patriot dob.29/08/06 Br. Brown Ch. Ashgate Aros x Am.Ch. Ashgate Stonebra
No4 MacBean’s Bellevue Going Dutch with Pryorvale dob. 23/09/06 Br. Squire Int.Dutch.Lux.Ch Bellevue Careless Spirit x Bellevue Caught U Looking
No5Foster’s Thozow Good Etiquette dob. 25/10/06 Br.Exh Ch. Krisma Streetwise x Thozow Bit Of Trouble


Open Dog (9,3)
No1 & Res CC
Dunne & Crockett’s Ch Havasu Pai dob.21/11/05 Br. Crockett Ch.Ir.Ch.Rus.Ch Markstown Mr Havasu x Havasu Hells Angel
No2 V.D. Veen’s Dashing Devils Spirit of Mine Handled by T Squire dob. 21/10/03 Br.Exh Int.Ch. Dutch Ch. Bellevue Careless Spirit x Ashgate Bellaty
No3 Corri’s Inverglen Lewis dob28/09/05 Br.Exh Birkfell Sparkle By Inverglen x Inverglen Spring Melody for Ladida
No4 Hill & Wilson’s Olton Aye Sweater Man dob. 08/10/05 Br.Exh Ch. Areostea Pilgrim To Ashgate x Olton Aye Bonne Chance
No5 Purchon’s Lindenka Bennington JW dob. 05/09/04 Br.exh Kimgarwyn Apollo x Tomlyndon Tamarin At Lindenka


Veteran Dog or Bitch (8,0)
1st & Best Vet In Show
Milner’s Joanne Gin N Ice dob. 09/05/98 Br. Clowes Juanne The Jouster x Just An Ace
2nd Ash’s Hillcloud Polestar dob. 16/04/98 Br.Exh Ch. Ashgate Sinclair x Kergilliack Konfidante
3rd Dingley’s Ch Davot Chivalrous Chap JW dob. 10/12/01 Br. Exh Ch. Am.Ch. Charosmack Clogg Dancer x Palubriken Chime of Freedom via Davot.
Res Andrews’ Rupann Silver Charm dob. 16/07/98 Br.Exh Ch Kistajen Casterspell x Birkfell Sweet Promises of Rupann
VHC Andrews’ Birkfell Shining Star of Rupann dob. 17/10/96 Br.Cleland Keriall Cavalier x Birkfell Shining Through

DogCCResCC1 DogCCRoyalcartierEntertainer
Click here for trophies presented in the lunch break

Click here to see these

Special Beginners Bitch (3,2)
1. Ladhams&Rudd’s Lynnsto Make it High Life for Juraspirit dob.04/05/07 Br.Dale Ch Lynnsto Pellam JW Sh.CM x Lynnsto Flyin Solo

MPBNo1BurnezeMillyOnAirA MPBNo1KimgarwynBramble

Minor Puppy Bitch (10,2)
1. Burns’ Burneze Milly on Air dob.12/08/08 Br.Exh Comdale Curtain Call At Lizandycris x Burneze Truly Scrumptious
2. Squire’s Kimgarwyn Bramble dob. 02/09/08 Br.Exh Ch Havasu Pai x Kimgarwyn Charlie Girl
3. Foster’s Thozow Sweet Pea dob. 28/08/08 Br.Exh Ch Krisma Streetwise x Thozow Bit of Trouble
4. Windram’s Cochansa Dales Pride TAF dob. 18/09/08 Br.Coles Juanne Juanty Jack Tar x Cochansa Vanilla Flurry
5. Ash’s Hillcould Cirrus dob. 30/08/08 Br.Exh Ashgate Sheriff x Ashgate Auchattie At Hillcloud

PBNo3ThozowSweetViolet pbnO4WestigoInOnTheAct

Puppy Bitch ( 11,1)
1& Best Puppy In Show Gaydon’s Bellevue Town Flirt at Gilbri dob. 19/04/08 Br.Squire Ch.Ir.Ch Gilbri Talk Of The Town x Bellevue Specially Maid
2. Burns’ Burneze Tiger Lily dob.12/08/08 Br.Exh Comdale Curtain Call At Lizandycris x Burneze Truly Scrumptious
3. Foster’s Thozow Sweet Violet dob. 21/05/08 Br.Exh Ch Bellevue Spirit Catcher x Ch. Havasu Hidden Treasure At Thozow
4. Harper’s Westigo In On The Act dob.22/07/08 Br.Exh Ch. Bellevue Caught In The Act At Jillso x Westigo Senzational
5. Knight’s Walkonair Mercy dob. 17/07/08 Br.Walkonair Ch Bellevue Trigger Happy x Walkonair Material Girl


Junior Bitch ( 15, 5)
1. Kabel’s Llovall AS Mama Said (Handled by Jennings) dob. 14/01/2008 Br. Exh Ashgate US Patriot x Llovall Anything Goes
2. Lancaster’s Clanestar Careless Affair dob. 19/12/07 Br.Exh. Ch Kristjen Castaspell x Ch Clanestar Careless Spell
3. Squire’s Bellevue Dream Girl dob. 15/04/08 Br.Exh Ch Bellevue Spirit Catcher x Bellevue Caught U Looking
4. Coley’s Karamynd on Cue for Kingsview dob. 16/12/07 Br.Griffith Ch. Karamynd Play The Game JW x Ch.Karamynd Paws For Applause
5. Fox’s Hillsted Sweet Jazzmine dob. 16/02/08 Br.Exh Ch., Krisma Streetwise x Hillsted Sweet Liberty


Maiden Bitch (7,2)
1. Griffith’s Karamynd Drama Queen dob. 13/12/07 Br.Exh Ch. Karamynd Play The Game JW x Ch. Karamynd Paws For Applause
2. Shaw’s Matheron With Attitude dob.20/11/07 Br.Exh Ch. Krisma Streetwise x Matheron Miss Edition
3. Strand’s Westlake Pearly Lady dob. 04/10/07 Br.Exh Kristajen Know It All x Westlake Wild Pearl
4. Fearns’ Westfearns Molly McRae dob. 03/12/07 Br.Exh Ashgate Innes Biggle Sh.CM x Kenmillix Sweet Candy Girl
5. Hayton’s Pedrohay Silver Rosebud dob. 27/09/07 Br.Exh Ch.Am.Ch Lindenka Delta JW x Silver Senorita At Pedrohay

Novice Bitch (6,3)
1. Clanestar Careless Affair
2. Westfearns Molly McRae
3. Hunt’s Kellethrigg Snowflake Lass dob. 13/12/07 Br.Exh Birkfell Sparkle By Inverglen x Kellethrigg Rose Hip Lass


Tyro Bitch (5,2)
1. Pedrohay Silver Rosebud
2. Andrews’ Kellethrigg Christmas Rose at Rupann dob. 13/12/07 Br.Exh Birkfell Sparkle By Inverglen x Kellethrigg Rose Hip Lass
3. Chambers’ Circinus Snowdrop Beauty dob.03/11/04 Br.Exh Ashgate Innes Biggle x Circinus Snowflake Gem


Post Graduate Bitch (17,4)
1. Griffith’s Karamynd Make a Splash dob. 13/10/06 Br.Exh. Ch. Hopecharm Willie Makeit For Karamynd x Krisma Trouble in Mind At Karamynd
2. Dale’s Lynnsto Ultraviolet JW dob. 11/05/07 Br.Exh Ch Krisma Streetwise x Highcrest Enya Dreams Lynnsto
3. Burns’ Burneze Ever so Clever dob.06/04/07 Br.exh. Ch. Bellevue Caught In The Act At Jillso x Trethmore Truly Bewitched By Burneze
4. Carlin & Gillot’s Bocharo Miss Tique at Lizandycris dob. 21/05/07 Br. Search Comdale Curtaincall At Lizandycris x Bocharo Just F Love
5. Roche’s Kintilly Justrite at Sanjoc dob. 09/04/07 Br. Johnson Ch. Bellevue Trigger Happy x Kintilly Just Maybe


Limit Bitch (14,4)
1 CC & BIS
Hughes’ Brychdyn Kite Mark dob. 20/06/07 Br.Exh Ch. Karamynd High As A Kite x Hopecharm Little April Dream
2. West’s Tomlyndon Look Of Love dob. 07/09/05 Br.Exh. Ch. Lindenka Brannigan JW x Lasara Libra At Tomlyndon
3. Fox’s Hillsted Sweet Breeze dob. 23/07/06 Br.Exh. Ch. Krisma Streetwise x Hillsted Sweet Liberty
4. Soar’s Sonjay White Fusion dob. 27/08/06 Br.Exh. Bellevue Careless Spirit x Sonjay Paper Chase
5. Kabel’s Davot Carry on Llovall dob. 24/08/06 Br. Dingley Ch. Markstown Mr Havasu x Davot Chill Out


Open Bitch
1.& Res CC
Corri’s Ch Inverglen Sula dob. 28/10/05 Br.Exh. Birkfell Sparkle By Inverglen x Inverglen Spring Melody For Ladida
2. Coley’s Ch Kingsview Make or Break dob.25/11/05 Br.Exh Ch. Hopecharm Willie Makeit For Karamynd x Kingsview Sky High
3. Hands’ Crinan Celesta dob. 04/02/06 Br.Exh. Ch. Karamynd High As A Kite x Crinan Charlies Angel
4. Squire’s Kimgarwyn Pebble dob. 27/10/05 Br.Exh. Kimgarwyn Apollo x Lasara Look At Me
5. Hill&Wilson’s Olton Aye Bonne Chance dob. 04/09/03 Br.Exh. Int.Ch Sonny Boy Of Jericho x Charosmack Aye Chance of Olton


Ch Karamynd Play The Game with the Macconachie trophy and below with the Glengordon trophy. Freddie won these 2 years running.
Below seen with Thomas West who handled him in 2008

ChKaramyndPlayThe GameGlengordonTrophyWebUseOnly
All photos are © LLOVALLDesign

Email me at info@llovalldesign.co.uk (click !)

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